Paranormal and Unexplained - Program

The following articles have been organized to highlight a few key concepts that are often less spoken about from the Bible and Jewish tradition. Topics like Demons, Evil Spirits, Nefilim, and even Aliens.

The following articles have been organized to highlight a few key concepts that are often less spoken about from the Bible and Jewish tradition.

As new articles are posted for this topic, this list will be updated, so check back occasionally.

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Part 1 - Reading Between the Lines

The Preexistence of the Soul
When we meet someone who does not seem to fit into the normative behavior of their generation, we might call them an “old soul.” But, can the soul be older than the body?
Babel and the Ethics of Technology
At first glance, the Biblical account of the Tower of Babel might appear to be closer to a children’s story with its deceivingly simple moral, warning of the dangers of misapplied human ingenuity. However, the Rabbinic tradition whispers a much deeper story - one that is still relevant in our time.
The Divine Council
Does G_D rule the world through a Divine Council of supernal angels? For many, this may be a new idea, however, deep within the Rabbinic tradition, this is quite ancient.
Discovering the Mazal: Energies and Insights of the Hebrew Calendar
From periods of triumph and celebration to periods of reflection and trials, the Hebrew calendar weaves a complex story rooted in spirituality, each month with its own unique mazal.
Gematria - Decoding the Hidden Secrets of Torah
What is Gematria, is it a valid form of Biblical interpretation - and if so, is it found in scripture? In this article, we explore this idea and how Daniel used Gematria to decipher the fateful message for King Belshazzar.

Part 2 - The Fascinating

Aliens, Idols, Demons, and Angels
What does the Jewish tradition say about phenomena like Aliens, or extra-terrestrial beings? And, is there any overlap with the broader categories of Angels and demons?
Dybuk: The Mysteries of Spiritual Possession
The dybuk, often called an evil spirit, represents the restless soul of a deceased individual who clings to the living, often causing spiritual or physical disturbances. From the New Testament to the Kabbalah, we will explore this idea in depth.
The Rise and Fall of the Nephilim: Exploring the Legends of Fallen Angels and Giants
Throughout time, people have been captivated by the Bible’s mention of rebellious Angels, their giant offspring, and the various implications of these ideas. In this work, we explore the hidden tradition of the Nephilim, and its implications on humankind.
Ibur: The Entanglement of the Soul in 1 John
What does it mean that G_D is in us, and we are in G_D? Learn how the deep mystical concept of Ibur holds a prominent place in the Apostolic writings, unlocking insight and dispelling errant theologies.
The Deep Connection Between Chinese Medicine and Tefillin
If we examine where the knots and wrappings are placed from a TCM point of view, it appears that the tefillin and wraps form a potent acupuncture point formula aimed at elevating the spirit and clearing the mind.

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