Thank you!

Thank you!
Photo by Kelly Sikkema / Unsplash

Hi, I want to thank you for reading, sharing, and subscribing to the Hidden Orchard Project! 🌿

Believe it or not, this project sat shelved for a few years - stuck on the name and the exact audience. This summer, all at once, a few people (who do not know each other) all encouraged me to bring it to life. All of the roadblocks were removed, and it became clear that this was the time to go for it.

Now that there a few months of content, I'd like to know:

What would you like to see more of?

Longer articles, or shorter? More inter-faith content, or more from the inter-section of Science and mysticism? Health & Wellness, or New Testament interpretation?

Let me know!

Feel free to leave a comment below, or use this email address to give me a shout.