
Available now on Amazon, "Into the Orchard" will serve as a guide from which readers can become acquainted with the socio-religious milieu of the New Testament and late Second Temple Judaism.

NEW! Illumination Volume 2

Bringing to Light the Jewish-ness of the New Testament

Illumination Volume 2. Bringing to Light the Jewish-ness of the New Testament

A journey of enlightenment, uncovering the hidden layers of the New Testament, and bringing to light the deep Rabbinic influences found within its pages.

In this volume, we explore the mystical elements of early kabbalah and its impact on the Gospel message and worldview.

This book offers readers a fresh perspective that transcends traditional interpretations and reveals a deeper understanding of the ideas and traditions that have profoundly influenced the world.

Selected essays from The Hidden Orchard Project have been compiled and curated to delve deeply into the intricacies and complexities of first-century Judaism.

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Illumination Volume 1

Bringing to Light the Jewish-ness of the New Testament

Illumination Volume 1. Bringing to Light the Jewish-ness of the New Testament

A journey of enlightenment, uncovering the hidden layers of the New Testament, and bringing to light the deep Rabbinic influences found within its pages.

This book offers readers a fresh perspective that transcends traditional interpretations and reveals a deeper understanding of the ideas and traditions that have profoundly influenced the world.

Selected essays from The Hidden Orchard Project have been compiled and curated to delve deeply into the intricacies and complexities of first-century Judaism.

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Into the Orchard.

The Midrashic Tradition in the New Testament.

Into the Orchard. The Midrashic Tradition in the New Testament.

Whether you are a seasoned explorer or you have just begun the journey to understand the Jewishness of the New Testament, you are likely aware that it can be a daunting quest, filled with new words, concepts, and an entirely different way of looking at Scripture. Often, these new findings are not inconsequential and can significantly shift your belief system.

After making a similar journey of my own, I looked back at my winding path and asked myself, "What information would have been good to know when I began?". This book is the answer to that question.

You will learn surprising insights that reinterpret familiar parables of Jesus. You will become familiar with Midrash, and other forms of Rabbinic teaching methods that he and his apostles employed prolifically throughout the New Testament. You will also begin to understand the nuance and depth of tradition behind concepts like the Messiah, Heaven and Hell, Reward, punishment, and more

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Exploration of the Soul:

Discovering the Nature of the Human Soul, Through the Wisdom of the Bible and Jewish Literature.

Exploration of the Soul

Discovering the Nature of the Human Soul, Through the Wisdom of the Bible and Jewish Literature.

Available on Amazon in Paperback or Kindle