Combatting Replacement Theology

Below are some articles that are focused on combatting the idea of Replacement Theology, and correcting traditional interpretations that have been used to fuel this errant ideology.

Combatting Replacement Theology

Below are some articles that are focused on combatting the idea of Replacement Theology, and correcting traditional interpretations that have been used to fuel this errant ideology.

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Antisemitism in the New Testament?
Context matters. We hear this often, but seldom recognize the collateral damage of failing to get it right. Centuries of misunderstanding and decontextualized interpretations of the New Testament have fueled, (even endorsed) violence, hatred, and the loss of Jewish life. From the early church fathers to present day America, this

Hermeneutics and Interpretation

PaRDeS - Jewish Hermeneutics
If you have been around the world of Jewish thought for a while, you might likely already be familiar with the concept represented by the acronym, PaRDeS.
Lost in Translation - The Problems With Sola Scriptura
For some, Sola Scriptura is a cause for celebration, but for others, this doctrine paved the way for some significant problems down the road. How is this doctrine different from the native worldview of Jesus and the Apostolic community?
Paul’s Audience(s) in the New Testament
When reading the New Testament, it is very easy - especially if you learned through a denomination of mainstream western Christianity - to assume Paul’s audiences are a homogenous body of “Christians”.
How to Read the Letters of Paul
The writings of the Apostle Paul, commonly known as the Epistles, hold immense significance in Christian theology. How will we re-evaluate his letters if we view them within a specific Rabbinic correspondence framework?

Understanding the Context

The Roots of Gentile Inclusion: Noahide Laws and the Jerusalem Council
In this article, we explore the Noahide laws. In addition, we’ll take a unique look at these laws, their relevance to the Jerusalem Council of Acts 15, and their implications for Gentiles today.
From Ruin to Resilience - Jewish Revival Post-Temple Destruction
The first century in Israel was a period marked by deep religious, cultural, and social complexity. Learn how this snapshot in time has contributed to anti-Rabbinic impressions in modern times.
The Missing Context of the New Testament - pt. 1
One of the most important components to understanding the “New Testament” is found amid an incident that most Bible readers have never heard of. We’ll learn how a particular disagreement between predominant Pharisaic schools shaped the contours and the perplexing milieu of first-century Judaism.
The Missing Context of the New Testament - pt. 2
As part of the greater Jewish community, the Apostolic leaders struggled with these particular issues more acutely. The sudden influx of Gentiles leaving paganism to join the diasporic Jewish communities made this a primary issue for them…
As a child growing up in the church, admittedly, I had acquired a negative view of the Pharisees. The dark villains of many Sunday school stories and their combative portrayal in the Gospel readings, it seemed the word ‘Pharisee’ was an acceptable form of a curse word. However, I recall
The Divorce of Israel
Did G_D divorce the Jewish people? Has He abandoned any covenantal ties with the people of the promise, or has a misunderstanding occurred?

Looking Deeper

Who Killed Jesus?
There is a perennial tension in the Jewish community that emerges around the time of Easter. In past centuries, the yearly retelling of the “Passion” would spark fiery pogroms and blood libels throughout Europe, as Christians sought to avenge the death of Jesus,
The Children of Hell
“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte (convert), and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.”‭- ‭Matthew‬ ‭23‬:‭15‬ ‭
Who Were the Judaizers?
Despite its ubiquitous usage in the church, the word “Judaizer” is only found once in the New Testament, in Galatians 2:14. In its broadest sense, a “Judaizer” is a pejorative label given to someone who influences others to observe some form of Jewish religious lifestyle.
Misunderstanding Paul’s Message in Romans 11
Having grown up in the Catholic church, and having worked on staff at a Protestant church, I cannot recall ever being taught Romans 11 in-depth. Perhaps this chapter presents a challenge to many prevailing theological traditions and is subsequently avoided. This being the case, we will uncover a few missing
Heaven Has Suffered Violence
Over the years, I have heard many different explanations of this passage. So diverse, it is tough to really tell which one is the traditional interpretation. One common theme is that this is somehow a departure from Judaism to the new revelation, Christianity.

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