Divine Providence, Punishment, and Hard Times
It probably doesn't take much effort to observe that our world today is in a condition of judgment. This is the result of many centuries of fighting, selfishness, confusion, and accelerated division. Somewhere along the way, we have ...
The Bible emanates Divine wisdom that teaches us the vitality of morality and personal responsibility. When we fail to meet the standard, a multitude of remediations have been provided by which we can make amends, or bring a tikkun (repair).
Every negative action, word, and thought brings with it a degree of spiritual and/or physical misalignment that must be realigned. At all times, G_D is actively maintaining an unfathomably dynamic and delicate balance between good and evil on both the personal and the collective levels.
Measure for Measure
When we sin physically, we may incur a physical form of discipline to guide us back to our path. Hurt or embarrass someone in public, and we should prepare ourselves for a similar experience. The sages of the Talmud call this "measure for measure" (middah k'neged middah)¹.
Sometimes, the rectification may not make sense to us. For instance, the Kabbalists warn that stealing money from another requires a gilgul to rectify, and perhaps a punitive one. When we understand the importance of charity and giving to others, we might understand why stealing money from someone would come with such a high spiritual cost. Consider the rectification that might be needed for mass-scale crypto thieves.
In his classic work, "The Way of G_D", the Ramchal describes, in more detail, the manner in which G_D restores balance to our mistakes. To better understand he lesson, we should not see this as punishment so much as Spiritual guidance (Hashpa'ah).
Further, we should be careful not to adopt the idea that negative experiences are not from the Creator. The popular idea is that Satan is the cause of the negative and G_D is the giver of only "good" is inaccurate. This can cause us to miss the lesson entirely. Jewish tradition strives to teach that these aspects of G_D are from the same sovereign G_D. The aspect of G_D that deals with judgment (Gevurah) is called Elokim. The aspect that deals with lovingkindness (Chesed) is Y-K-V-K. In the Bible, we're told that Y-K-V-K is Elokim.
וידעת היום והשבת אל־לבבך כי יהוה הוא האלהים בשמים ממעל ועל־הארץ מתחת אין עוד
Know therefore this day and keep in mind that יהוה alone is Elokim in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other. - Deuteronomy 4:39
In His mercy, G_D delivers this guidance according to our perceptual capability, weighted with the quality of our intentions, and with justice.
“Each one will be judged as it [the sin] really is; whether it be by accident or deliberate, whether they were forced or a willing participant. Hashem knows the truth of all things, the actions and the thoughts, and He assesses according to what they truly are. ” - The Way of G_D (Derech Hashem) 2 3:4
Thankfully, there is often a gap from the time a sin has been committed to the dispensation of discipline. This lag provides us time for repentance. If we become calloused and do not take advantage of the opportunity, we consign ourselves to the full measure of discipline.
Whether on the personal or the collective, these can come through various means; Nature (natural disasters), Sickness (illness or plagues), or Suffering. If the world tips towards the side of evil, widespread judgment falls upon the collective.
Sweetening The Judgement
Yet, as individuals, in many cases, we can prepare ourselves to make sure we minimize the impact of collective discipline. This is called 'sweetening the judgment' (mesikas ha’din). This can be achieved through repentance, good deeds, charity, and prayer - but also by recognizing that G_D is in control and all things for the greater good. As we covered in another article, this is the message behind James' message that all things are from the Father.
Our World Today
It probably doesn't take much effort to observe that our world today is in a condition of judgment. This is the result of many centuries of fighting, selfishness, confusion, and accelerated division. Somewhere along the way, we have lost the collective moral compass and now have significant misalignments to correct. With astonishing accuracy, Jewish oral tradition has predicted these times for over 2,000 years.
There are imbalances that must be corrected in preparation for the Messianic era, an age of advanced consciousness. Humanity needs to elevate. Through exiles, plagues, hard times, or of our own volition - humanity will move forward, one way or another.
In the case of people who choose to persist in evil, divisiveness, and selfishness - they will be given chances to turn around, but not indefinitely.
“He who seeks evil, evil will befall him” - Proverbs 11:27
They may even reach a state where they may no longer receive discipline on the physical level as they move beyond the point of no return. This route is one that requires severe corrections, and heavy costs that will be exacted after they leave this life. Rest assured, imbalances will be corrected; He repays the wicked according to their wickedness.
The good news is that G_D foresees evil, selfish rulers, broken and corrupt systems. We are not living in a world without inalienable means for us to bring repair. This would not be just.
We can begin by understanding that we are all one, and everything do on a personal level impacts the collective in a major way. We have the power to tip the scales simply by modeling what we want to see in the world.
if he fulfills one single commandment, then by this single good deed, he causes the scale of innocence to preponderate both with regard to himself and to the whole world, and consequently brings salvation and deliverance both upon himself and them - Maimonides ³
For those who seek good, we can help restore balance by; giving charity, helping those in need, remembering G_D's commandments, avoiding gossip and divisiveness, and taking daily inventory of how we might do better tomorrow. Don't give up, the world needs you right now.
¹ Sanhedrin 90a
² https://www.thehiddenorchard.com/father-of-lights/
³ Mishneh Torah, Repentance 3