Your Expansive Soul

A hint in the Hebrew text of Genesis gives us a deep understanding of the complexity of human beings and our capacity for elevation.

Your Expansive Soul
Photo by Zoltan Tasi / Unsplash

The Bible uses five different words to describe (5) distinct levels of the human soul, each of which has its own unique properties and expressions. (Out of scope for this article, it is worth noting that each of these (5) levels contain many sub-levels within them as well, fractals of the larger composite.)

To visualize this, imagine that each level serves as a platform, or a resting place for the level above - each one more ethereal and Divine as we move upward.

The lowest level, called Nefesh, is where the bodily wisdom and life-force is housed. This soul contains our physical drives for survival, as well as the autonomic functions of the body (respiratory and cardiovascular function, etc). Animals also have this level of soul.

We are given an important clue in the Hebrew of Genesis 2.

וייצר יהוה אלהים את־האדם עפר מן־האדמה ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים ויהי האדם לנפש חיה
G_D formed man from the dust blowing into his nostrils the breath of life: the man became a living being. - Genesis 2:7

Mankind was 'formed'

Pay close attention to the first word of this passage, va'yotzer, which is the word for "formed" in Hebrew.


This is not the normal spelling, but one that indicates a deeper lesson, without changing the simple meaning of the word. You don't have to know Hebrew to notice that this word contains (2) Yod's (י).

Now when we get to verse 2:19, dealing with the formation of animals, we see this same word - but with the normal spelling - ויצר

Here, we see only (1) yod.

ויצר יהוה אלהים מן־האדמה כל־חית השדה ואת כל־עוף השמים  And G_D formed out of the earth all the wild beasts and all the birds of the sky, ... - Genesis 2:19

There is a reason for this, says renowned commentator (Rashi):

וייצר AND G_D FORMED — Here the letter yod is written twice to intimate that there were two formations — a formation of man for this world, and a formation of man for resurrection; in the case of animals, however, which will not stand after death for judgment before G_D the word referring to their formation— ויצר —(Genesis 2:19) is not written with two yods.

Humans have been given a greater endowment of soul, something unique that no other created being on earth possesses.

ויפח באפיו נשמת חיים, G_D personally blew a soul of life into man, a life force which had been readied to absorb what was previously called “the image of G’_D” ...  At any rate, man had remained a living creature (similar to the animals) until You equipped him with a divine-like image... - Sforno Commentary on Genesis 2:7

In short, every human you meet contains within them the a degree of Divinity. This is a mere hint behind what it means being created in the image of G_D. Composed of both the elemental building blocks of the physical world, we also contain expansive souls, reaching far above the angels, all the way back to the Creator.

One day this will be actualized. Until then, it is our job to remember this fact and elevate ourselves with every breath we are given.

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The Nefesh
“Some people are inclined to contemplate the essence of their souls. Others can live their entire lives - even lives of intellectual activity - without taking an interest in their souls at all.