Aliens, Idols, Demons, and Angels

What does the Jewish tradition say about phenomena like Aliens, or extra-terrestrial beings? And, is there any overlap with the broader categories of Angels and demons?

Aliens, Idols, Demons, and Angels

While on a hike with the family at Fort Mountain in Northwest Georgia, we came across an interesting find. Nearby an old stone wall believed to have been built by the Creek Indians, a placard tells the story of the tribe's battles with a race of human-like beings whom they called the "Moon-eyed people."

In this particular battle, the Moon-eyed people lost and were said to have retreated underground, where they lived within a vast subterranean underground network.

Researching the topic further, I admit I was a little surprised by the many similarities between the Jewish tradition that also describes the vast categories of non-human entities that share our world.

From the spiritual beings like, Angels, Dybukkim, and Demons, to the remnants of beings from the Pre-Adamic¹ era, it seems we are far from alone.

The Talmud speaks about many of these entities quite openly, recalling the various times these beings have interacted with people - sometimes helping, sometimes harming, and most of the time avoiding our perception.

In Tractate Berakhot 6a, we're told:

If the eye was given permission to see [the demons all around them], no creature would be able to withstand the abundance and ubiquity of the demons and continue to live unaffected by them.

If we open our minds, we may be able to make some sense of these categories, their differences, and similarities - and why G_D would allow them at all.

Be warned, the rest of this article may freak some people out. ;)