The Soul - Program

The Soul - Program

The following articles have been organized to provide an overview of the soul with the goal of emphasizing the need for spiritual development. Within these articles, resources and more opportunities to learn will be provided.

As new articles are posted for this topic, this list will be updated so check back occasionally.

Part 1 - Foundation

The Human Soul
Contrary to many modern [prevailing] ideas about the soul, the Bible teaches that the human soul is more complex than we are aware. The soul is comprised of levels and sub-levels that all influence the (3) modes of human expression; Thoughts, words, and deeds.
The Soul is a Flame
In the Sermon on the Mount, Yeshua leverages many ideas from the Midrash that expound upon the deeper concepts in the Torah. ... many of them find their closest parallels to the works of the Kabbalah - texts like the Zohar, the writings of the ARIzal, and the Tanya.
Diagram: Holiness and Purity
What are spiritual gifts? Are these unrelated and unrepeatable spiritual occurrences, or is there a system that we might be able to put into use in our development?

Part 2 - Soul Levels

The Nefesh - Soul Series pt. 1
“Some people are inclined to contemplate the essence of their souls. Others can live their entire lives - even lives of intellectual activity - without taking an interest in their souls at all.
The Ruach - Soul Series pt. 2
Ruach can become misaligned when we get overly fixated on beauty. Rather than praising and opening ourselves to the Author of beauty, we make beauty itself an idolatrous object of admiration and devotion. Beauty then becomes an end in itself instead of a medium to connect to the Source of beauty.
Neshamah - Soul Series pt. 3
An ancient midrash declares that the Neshamah is the only thing (ie: part of humankind) that is truly good¹. This is primarily because the Neshamah is rooted above, in the upper world. Remember, this is the source of the conflict between the Nefesh, which is rooted in the lower world.
Chaya - Soul Series pt. 4
Chaya means “life”, and is often associated with a more holistic span of life energy than the previous levels of the soul. The first appearance of this word is seen upon the creation of humankind.
Soul Series: Yechidah
In our Soul Series, we’ve explored the levels of the soul that we may perceive more frequently in our day-to-day life. Yechidah is the final and ultimate stage of consciousness that humankind awaits.
The Soul - A Detailed Diagram
Below is a helpful diagram mapping the levels of the soul, how they interact with human expression, and where they are generally connected to the body.

Part 3 - Deeper Dive

The Soul Video Series
In this series of discussions, I join Rey Luque to talk about the dimensions of the soul; the various levels; the worlds of creation; and how many of these ideas are fundamental to understanding the New Testament.
The Connection Between Breathing and The Soul
Not only in Hebrew, but in latin we see the words Spirit and Breath are connected through the word, Spīro (to breathe), also Spiritus. We can clearly see the etymological root to the word respiratory.
How To Elevate Your Soul
If you have been reading the articles regarding the human soul, (like this one) you are familiar with the (5) levels, and their unique expression in daily life. But, as the saying goes, “knowing is half the battle” - the real test is to apply this knowledge on a more
Ibur: The Entanglement of the Soul in 1 John
What does it mean that G_D is in us, and we are in G_D? Learn how the deep mystical concept of Ibur holds a prominent place in the Apostolic writings, unlocking insight and dispelling errant theologies.

Part 4 - Before and After Life - The Journey of the Soul

The Preexistence of the Soul
When we meet someone who does not seem to fit into the normative behavior of their generation, we might call them an “old soul.” But, can the soul be older than the body?
What Does the Bible Say About the Afterlife?
The concept of the afterlife, particularly heaven, and hell, has been the subject of fascination and contemplation across various religious and cultural traditions. But, what does the Bible say about these topics?
From Life to Afterlife: Judgment of the Soul in Jewish Tradition - Part 1
What happens to the soul when it moves from the physical to the spiritual world? In this 2-part series, we explore what the tradition has to say about angels, the life review, and tips on how we might spend our time differently.

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