Understanding the Sefirot
You may have come across the idea, or perhaps an image of the Sefirot. In a sense, they can be described as a sort of 'theory of everything' for the Jewish Sage-Mystics. Understanding them can be incredibly useful, though it may require a commitment of time.
Have you ever come across the idea, or perhaps an image of the Sefirot and wondered what they were all about? Curiosity is often sparked through the counting of the Omer¹, a time when the Sefirot factor into the daily practices of counting.
Even though the Sefirot are referenced several times in the New Testament, many are unfamiliar with the ideas.
In a sense, they are a sort of 'theory of everything' for the Jewish Mystics. Understanding them can be incredibly useful, though it may require a commitment of time.
Below is a simple introduction to get you started.
The 10 Sefirot
In short, the (10) Sefirot represents the interactive framework of how the Creator interacts with the creation. Ten is a number that represents completeness or wholeness. One of the oldest Kabbalistic writings, Sefer Yetzirah² says;
... Remember always that “there are ten Sefirot (spheres of Divine emanation) ...”
Though a deeper understanding of these is often the territory of Chasidic Judaism, the Sefirot take center stage between Passover and Shavuot, as stated above. During this time, the biblical injunction to count the Omer is achieved with a daily combination of (7) particular Sefirot.
The root of the word for Sefirah (singular) has many meanings, all of which give a glimpse into the various concepts they represent (ספר). Visually, they are often depicted as circles or spheres as we will explore below. The root word is also connected to the concepts of:
- Sefer - Text, or book.
- Sippur - Communicating
- Sopher - Scribe
- Sapphire - A unique gem mentioned many times in the Bible and Rabbinic texts
- Sephar - Number, or counting a sequence
Sefirot Are Emanations of the Creator
For the sake of simplicity, we will look at these meanings briefly. Some depictions are divided into Intellectual, Emotional, and Behavioral attributes. Further, these can be overlaid upon the human form, which may help to make associations below.