Concepts in Kabbalah Program

The following articles have been organized to highlight a few key concepts when beginning the journey of spiritual discipline and understanding the esoteric tradition of Jewish mysticism.

This focus has often been called "Kabbalah." Here, we will learn the foundational ideas that inform of how to optimize our connection to the Creator.

As new articles are posted for this topic, this list will be updated, so check back occasionally.

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Part 1 - Foundation

PaRDeS - Jewish Hermeneutics
If you have been around the world of Jewish thought for a while, you might likely already be familiar with the concept represented by the acronym, PaRDeS.
The Fourth Revolution of Torah
The times we live in are unique. While troubling and challenging on one hand, they also provide never-before opportunities to connect with the Creator. Learn about the Fourth Revolution of Torah and how to take part.
Diagram: Holiness and Purity
What are spiritual gifts? Are these unrelated and unrepeatable spiritual occurrences, or is there a system that we might be able to put into use in our development?

Part 2 - Going Deeper

5 Worlds - Jewish Cosmology
In a mystical interpretation of Isaiah, the Rabbis uncovered a hint at the cosmological design of creation. Often referred to in Hebrew as ā€œWorldsā€ (Olamot), these help aid our understanding of how the Creator interacts with the created.
What Comes After Heaven? A Guide to the World of Souls and the Olam HaBa
Is heaven the soulā€™s last stop, or is there more? In this article, we will explore the tradition behind the ideas of the Messianic era, Heaven, and the World to Come - including a few key references to these in the New Testament.
King Without a Crown
The Creator is always sending us hints if we are open to hearing them. Listening to music last week, ā€œKing Without a Crownā€, by Matisyahu, cycled through my playlist. I realized the answers are hidden in these lyrics.
Understanding the Klippah
One useful but complex topic is known as the ā€œklippahā€, which means ā€œhuskā€, or ā€œshellā€ in Hebrew. Though esoteric, this work will make this complex idea simple enough to begin applying today.
TzimTzum - Creating Space, Creating Potential
Though a foreign concept, ā€œtzimtzumā€ offers a unique perspective that helps to understand a myriad of topics, such as; the creation of the world, the existence of time within eternity, good versus evil, and how the Divine interacts with the mundane.
Into the Shadows: Understanding the Sitra Achra and the Nature of Evil
ā€³[The Sitra Achra] is actually a part of this world. It is the lowest extremity of this world of our known reality. Were there an independent world of Sitra Achra, it would be beyond amendment and redemption.
Holy Spirit vs. Ruach HaKodesh: Revealing the Essence of Divine Presence
One of the most elusive concepts in the Bible is the idea of the Holy Spirit. Though Judaism and Christianity share some common ground in recognizing Ruach HaKodesh/Holy Spirit as an aspect of the Divine Presence, the nuances and theological underpinnings differ significantly.
Confronting Our Shadow
We should recognize, there is a difference between rectifying your imbalanced character traits and rectifying the cause of the imbalance. For this, we need to confront our shadow.

Part 3 - Practical Application

Elevating the Sparks, and Tikkun Olam
ā€˜Elevating the Sparksā€™ is a kabbalistic idea that can help to make sense of lifeā€™s ups, downs, and everything in between, transforming how we view the world and our role in Tikkun Olam.
Descent for the Sake of Ascent
Difficult times can be the most metamorphic. Not in the moment, but with time, we can come to know that through these we emerged better, and stronger. Learn how the Kabbalah offers wisdom and guidance to help us navigate the hardships of life.
3 Stages of Change According to Kabbalah
These stages can transform us into stronger, more resilient individuals when embraced and understood. Surprisingly, this idea is hinted at in the Biblical story of Jacob with the three types of sheep.
Our Test: The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil
The Sages described these times we live in as ā€˜great and terribleā€™ - also remarking that they themselves would not want to be alive for the tests we face, implying that these tests provide a great opportunity for us.
Accepting Insults With Joy
Want to learn a quick method for spiritual elevation? In this article, weā€™ll learn how doing nothing might be the best step for your growth
And His Name Will Be One
One of lifeā€™s greatest paradoxes is that the universe has been created in such a way that it could appear [to some] that there is no Creator at all. What looks like empirical evidence of a Creator to one person appears to be nothing more than randomness to another.