Replacement Theology and the Test In Our Time

In our time, the world is being tested. The prophets speak of a time when the nations turn against Israel, and if you read ahead, it does not end well for them. This was largely the case in Europe in the 1930's and this test has emerged once again in our time.

Replacement Theology and the Test In Our Time

If you have spent any time in the inter-faith movement, you've likely found there are a few deeply embedded viewpoints that are extremely difficult to overcome. One that is in the forefront today is known as Replacement Theology.

The roots of Replacement Theology pervade even the most well-intended Christian denominations.

Aside from the logical errors that we'll explore, the resistance of the Jewish people to convert to Christianity throughout history has inflamed tensions, adding antagonism and hatred to this already troublesome belief.

In times of geopolitical conflict - socially acceptable forms of antisemitism and anti-Jewish bias can merge with Replacement Theology, creating dissonance for Christians. Sadly, the most common outcome here is the church's refusal to stand with the Jewish people in their times of travail. Or worse, offering support to those who want to annihilate the Jewish people.

But before we unpack these ideas, let's first understand the roots of this theological viewpoint.

Replacement Theology

Wikipedia provides us with the following definition:

Replacement theology, also known as supersessionism or fulfillment theology, is a Christian theological belief that the Christian Church has superseded the nation of Israel and assumed their role as God's covenanted people.

A major component of Replacement Theology is that G_D revoked His original covenants with the Jewish people. On this, the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem¹ writes:

The essentials of replacement theology rest on the idea that the whole or part of the Abrahamic Covenant has been abolished...

The idea that G_D would go back on His promise should be too terrifying a concept to ponder. While this topic deserves some thought, we'll focus on (2) components of Replacement Theology:

  1. Has Israel been replaced?
  2. Israel's Role in Gentile Redemption

1. Has Israel Been Replaced?

In a previous article² we defined the term "Israel" from the Biblical texts. In summary, Israel can be a reference to; the entire 12 tribes, and sometimes a reference to the 1o tribes who were exiled. Context matters.

In the broad definition, the covenants made with the nation of Israel are referenced multiple times, added to, reiterated, and ultimately renewed through the words of the prophets.

One primary reason for G_D's loyalty is that the initial covenants were established with the forefathers. As such, the terms extend to all of their descendants and thus cannot be broken.

Even in the darker prophecies - those that detail the misdeeds and chastisements of the nation - G_D relents and remembers His covenant. We read this explicitly in Leviticus 26:

Yet, even then, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them or spurn them so as to destroy them, annulling My covenant with them: for I am the Lord their G_D. - Leviticus 26:44

This is because misdeeds were foreseen and planned for. Many times G_D predicted how the nation would fall away, and to continue to trust in the enduring nature of His covenant.

Even still, G_D promises never to abandon the Jewish people.

For your G_D is a compassionate G_D, who will not fail you nor let you perish; G_D will not forget the covenant made on oath with your fathers.
- Deuteronomy 4:31

In the end, discipline is the outcome of Israel's failures; abandonment is not.

Paul indicates that there has always been a faithful remnant, and somehow, the failures were strategic, allowing the Gentiles a bridge into Israel's covenant.

... by their transgression salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make Israel jealous.
- Romans 11:11

With these, we concede that G_D has not abandoned His covenant with the Jewish people. This focuses our attention on the means of Gentile Salvation.

2. Israel's Role in Gentile Redemption

As I myself grew up in the church, it was taught that the Jewish people rejected Jesus and walked away from their covenant. Through this, the church became the "chosen" people and the recipients of a "New Covenant". Indeed, many believe some form of this today.

We have looked at many of these ideas in separate articles. These can be found in the Misunderstandings Program.

The primary source texts for the New Covenant can be found in Ezekiel⁵ and Jeremiah, though a few clarifications are in order.

First, the New Covenant is not really "new", instead, is more of an amendment, or a renewal⁶ to the original covenants.

Second point - a later covenant does not nullify an earlier one, as Paul states in Galatians 3:17.

Third, the new covenant (B'rit Chadashah) was explicitly made with the tribes of Judah and Israel:

“‘The day will come,’ says the Lord, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and Judah. . . . But this is the (re)new(ed) covenant I will make with the people of Israel on that day,’ says the Lord. ‘I will put my law in their minds, and I will write them on their hearts. I will be their G_D, and they will be my people.”
- Jeremiah 31:31;33

In other words, a strong connection to the people of the promise is necessary for this covenant's fulfillment. One cannot simply declare themselves to be the recipient of a covenant that was signed explicitly with someone else.

It is true that many prophecies indicate that in the Messianic era, Gentiles will begin to observe certain Jewish holidays and even Shabbat⁷, but this too is evidence that the Jewish framework of observance is enduring.

These prophecies vary in their descriptions but generally maintain that the Jewish people will still be a distinct people group from the nations who are eventually reintegrated back into G_D's kingdom. Even the Book of Revelation maintains this distinction.

What became a problem for the Apostles was that there was little to nothing regarding Gentile integration before that time.

While they discussed the means to bring Gentiles into their communities, the Apostles did not foresee a time when the Gentiles would be separated, and even antagonistic to the Jewish community to the degree we see it today.

Though mysterious, somehow this is G_D's plan.

Humility and Faith

This leaves us with a challenge to navigate in our time. The specifics of how Gentiles should integrate into the Jewish community are still not simple - though we can conclude that 'faith' and humility play a major role.

This is the thrust of Paul's message in Romans 11:

But if some of the branches were broken off, and you — a wild olive — were grafted in among them and have become equal sharers in the rich root of the olive tree, then don’t boast as if you were better than the branches! However, if you do boast, remember that you are not supporting the root, the root is supporting you. 

So you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” True, but so what? They were broken off because of their lack of trust. However, you keep your place only because of your trust. So don’t be arrogant; on the contrary, be terrified! For if God did not spare the natural branches, he certainly won’t spare you! 

So take a good look at God’s kindness and his severity: on the one hand, severity toward those who fell off; but, on the other hand, God’s kindness toward you — provided you maintain yourself in that kindness! Otherwise, you too will be cut off!
- Romans 11:17-22

The Test In Our Time

In our time, the world is undergoing a similar test of refinement. As in 1930's Europe, the cultural tide is 0nce again turning on the Jewish people.

What began in the New Testament as a question of how to integrate Gentiles into the Jewish communities - in the centuries after - became the Gentile question of whether or not to include Jews. In time, expulsions, pogroms, blood libels, and the holocaust.

The costs of Replacement Theology are real.

Religious and secular, Conservative and Liberal, Protestants and Catholic - all are being tested, called to stand with the people of the promise as the spiritual battle rages in the upper worlds. Eradicating Replacement Theology, or separating oneself from institutions that uphold it will be part of this test.

All will be judged. Where do you stand?




³ For your G_D is a compassionate G_D, who will not fail you nor let you perish; G_D will not forget the covenant made on oath with your fathers. - Deuteronomy 4:31

⁴ Can a woman forget her baby,
Or disown the child of her womb?
Though she might forget,
I never could forget you.
- Isaiah 49:15

⁵ Ezekiel 36:26–27

⁷ Zechariah 14