What Happens When We Sin?

In this chart, we learn the dynamics of impurity, sickness, healing, and repentance.

What Happens When We Sin?
Photo by Morgane Perraud / Unsplash

In the below diagram, we look at the states of being that we go in and out of when we sin, and when we remedy through repentance.

Impurity and Holiness

As we discussed in a separate article, some forms of Tumah (Impurity) are a natural part of life; Also, some types of impurity are the result of transgressions or moral sins. The Sages generally teach that we are in a default state of impurity. Knowing this, we must make effort to elevate ourselves to a state of Kedushah (holiness).

The Process

Accordingly, when we take on impurity (through sin or other methods), we move into a place from which we need remediation to be restored back to where we were before the event. In a state of Tumah, we are blocked from the light of the Creator to a degree.