What Is Your Morning Routine?
Starting with gratitude is one of the best possible ways to set an intention for the new day. Additionally, it is not only a great way to guard your mind from negative influence, it will ensure that you begin with G_D consciousness
If you are like me, you probably hit the snooze button once or twice before getting out of bed. If so, you may have found that this tiny window of time is actually quite fun as your mind wanders in and out of reality. This is why this transitional state can be an optimal time for what is known as Lucid Dreaming.
Many artists and scientists understand that this transitional phase is productive for solving problems and receiving inspiration. Understood from a neurological perspective, our brain begins to leave the Theta or Delta waves, moving through Alpha, and into Beta - or a waking state.
As our brain moves through the Alpha state, our subconscious mind is somewhat susceptible to new ideas and impressions. This is essentially the basis of Hypnosis and various forms of hypno-therapy. Consequently, this can be great, or perhaps, not-so-great - depending upon how you use that time.
For more the dynamics of these states, research Hypnogogia and Hypnopompia.
Early Morning Routine
Upon waking up, most people immediately reach for their cell-phone, (usually within 18 inches of them), and begin to scroll through texts, work emails, and maybe even their favorite social media app. No judgement if this is you, but be aware that this is a pattern that might not be the best for your overall wellness.
If this is your, routine, you will begin to feel the dread and anxiety creep in as you read about the latest scandal, some breaking news, or add to the growing list of things you must do today. If you are perceptive enough, you may find the subsequent mood will often stick with your for most of the day.
With this in mind, it is vital that we guard the first 45 minutes of the morning.
With our mind in an impressionable state of consciousness, be intentional about what you consume, read, listen to, say, and do. This is why early morning prayer and meditation are often the best thing for your overall wellness.
The Sages understood this and sought to make sure the first hour is spent in prayer and supplication. It is for this reason most of the morning blessings and prayers, said upon waking up, are a display of gratitude to the Creator.
If you are willing to give it a shot, (assuming you aren't already), start with the Modeh Ani (I Give thanks) prayer. It is an easy prayer, and is generally said as you swing out of bed and place your feet on the floor. It goes like this:
I give thanks before you, living and eternal King, for You have returned my soul to me with compassion; how great is Your faithfulness!
According to tradition, after spending some time recharging above, your soul is returned to your body with a new energy, and another day to accomplish your mission¹.
On this tradition, we read:
Behold every night a person entrust his soul to the original owner-and G_D finds the soul He emplaced damaged-so why should G_D return us our soul? Won't we just return it back worse?
But G_D still entrusts His soul to us each morning-in the hope that perhaps a man will fix his soul and return to the straight path. That is the meaning of "great is your faithfulness"! - Chattam Sofer (18-19th century Rabbi)
In this practice, we accomplish, at least, (3) things before getting out of bed;
- We acknowledge our Creator.
- We enter into a state of gratitude.
- We begin our day, knowing that everything that comes to us has been given from above, and that we are valuable.
Instead of starting with fear, anger, frustration or anxiety - we equip ourselves with emunah (faith) as we take on that list of to-dos.
After some time, if this works for you, you might be interested in adding more prayers to your day. After all, this is partly what a Jewish prayer book (Siddur) is all about.
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¹ Deuteronomy Rabbah 5:15