Mussar Program

The following articles have been organized to highlight a few key concepts when beginning the journey of spiritual discipline. In Jewish thought, this focus has often been called "Mussar." In Mussar, we learn the tools of soul refinement, clearing away the debris that blocks us from the light of the Creator.

As new articles are posted for this topic, this list will be updated, so check back occasionally.

Part 1 - Foundation

Developing the Soul - Mussar Series. Part 1 ▶
In this series, we will explore the discipline of Mussar and understand how it is a vital component of spiritual development. In the first session, we introduce the concept, the history of the late movement and how it is anchored to the Biblical texts.
Developing the Soul - Mussar Series. Part 2 ▶
In this session, we look at the concept of Derech Eretz, also known as “Decency” or customs and manners. Derech Eretz is defined as, then ancient Jewish principle that refers to the decorum, dignified behavior, and gentlemanly conduct that should characterize a Jew at all times.
Developing the Soul - Mussar Series. Part 3 ▶
In this study session, we look at an often-overlooked presupposition that we must consider when we begin spiritual development. In this, we look at the issue of impurity that stems from the sin of Adam.
Developing the Soul - Mussar Series. Part 4 ▶
In this final session, we recap some of the concepts of this study, focusing on some common areas of imbalance many of us will want to be aware of.

Part 2 - Focus Areas

Watching Our Words
One of the fastest ways to accelerate spiritual growth begins with governance over (3) primary areas of our expression; Speech, Deeds, and Thoughts. If we can discipline ourselves in these three categories, we’ll begin a rapid progression towards the light of the Creator.
Rethinking Money
The wisdom of the Bible calls us to view our lives through a different logic than we may be accustomed to. Instead of viewing actions and experiences as isolated or disconnected singularities, we are challenged to hold a more holistic view. This is especially true when it comes to money.
Gneivat haDaat - Giving a False Impression
It is not for nothing that this world has been nicknamed the “Olam HaSheker”, which means the World of Lies (in Hebrew). However, this is not meant to be defeatist or pessimistic but simply to reveal the presupposition that truth (Emet) is the essence of a different realm, not this one.
Soul Refinement - From Stumbling Blocks to Stepping Stones
In Jewish tradition, the concept of causing others to stumble, (לִפְנֵי עִוֵּר), is an often overlooked area of opportunity. it is a staple concept in the Talmud and a teaching forwarded by Jesus. In this article, we will explore this idea briefly.
Soul Refinement - Humility
In a world intoxicated by the allure of success and recognition, humility stands as a vanishing (and sometimes counter-cultural) virtue. But, developing humility is much easier said than done.
Soul Refinement - Guarding Our Speech
To the best of my knowledge, no legal system on earth holds verbal insults and thought crimes in the same category as more egregious and obvious crimes like murder and adultery. However, in the spiritual economy of the Bible, these are very much connected.
Soul Refinement - Judging Others Favorably
Translated as “Judging others favorably,” this principle encourages us to approach others with understanding, compassion, and empathy. The Torah teaches that we are to assume the best when dealing with the conduct of others, not the worst.
Soul Refinement - Do Not Destroy
A little-known prohibition in the Torah remains a timeless and valuable ethic for developing our spiritual awareness. This is known as Bal Tashchit, the prohibition against destroying things that serve a purpose.
Being in the World, But Not of the World
As the temptations of modern life multiply, the spiritual decline we see in communities and spiritual leaders is a wake-up call, causing us to ask: how does one safeguard their soul? Does the Jewish oral tradition offer insight into the early communities’ methods for preserving sanctity?

Part 3 - Going Deeper

King Without a Crown
The Creator is always sending us hints if we are open to hearing them. Listening to music last week, “King Without a Crown”, by Matisyahu, cycled through my playlist. I realized the answers are hidden in these lyrics.
Understanding the Klippah
One useful but complex topic is known as the “klippah”, which means “husk”, or “shell” in Hebrew. Though esoteric, this work will make this complex idea simple enough to begin applying today.
Confronting Our Shadow
We should recognize, there is a difference between rectifying your imbalanced character traits and rectifying the cause of the imbalance. For this, we need to confront our shadow.
Accepting Insults With Joy
Want to learn a quick method for spiritual elevation? In this article, we’ll learn how doing nothing might be the best step for your growth